tower VT

structured vertical with ascending plaza

invited competition - 2. prize

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The VT office-residential tower restores a new vertical focus at the entrance to the city centre of Ljubljana. The architectural design follows the provisions of the existing master plan of a wider area around the railway, which defines the Masaryk Street as an intensely green boulevard. The tower acts as the conclusion of the master plan on the site, where two dominant geometries meet: the geometry of the railway and the city structure geometry. The design concept defines a local landmark – an intensive structured volume vertical, which highlights the location of the tower as the focus of the two prevailing directions in the context. The volume is structured with a very simple gesture of alternating two diverse shapes of the floor: parallelogram and hexagon. This geometrical structuring redefines the changing perception along the Masaryk Street. The monumental staircase expands the plaza all the way to the second floor.


location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
project date: 2008
completion date: –
area: 17,300 m2
type: mixed use: retail, office, housing
client: Veletekstil d.d.
source: invited competition, 2. prize

project team: Aljoša Dekleva, Tina Gregorič, Lea Kovič, Martina Marčan, Tea Smrke, Daniel Schwartz