AA NOW exhibition


 The exhibition Architectural Association Now at the City Gallery in Ljubljana, Slovenia was conceived as a very specific exchange of ideas in architecture between Slovenia and UK. In recent years most of Slovenian architects wanting to continue their education in the UK decided to study at Postgraduate programs at the Architectural Association in London. This phenomena triggered  British Council to initiate an exhibition that would present the diversity of architectural approaches through the production of Architectural Association, School of Architecture in London. The exhibition presents the heterogeneity of the AA undergraduate as well as graduate programs through their current research. In addition to it the exhibition will also show the master thesis of recent AA graduates from Slovenia. To enhance the exchange idea the exhibition will include the academic or/and professional work of their tutors, either the research or built work. 

Under the initiative of British Council Slovenia and in collaboration with Architectural Association we curated and designed AA NOW exhibition that showcases the diversity of architectural approaches in the recent production of the AA. The exhibition presents current research of the AA graduate as well as undergraduate programs and the work of students, tutors and Slovene architects who studied there.

Aljosa Dekleva and Tina Gregoric, the curators of the exhibition who also studied on the AA Schol of Architecture:

We invited visitors of the exhibition to enter through the screen, where the video work was shown. At the first floor, the first space was devoted for physical models, meanwhile the rest of the space was organized through an axis of panels printed in translucent fabric. The second floor was presenting video works.  


location: The City Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
exhibition date: 14.6. - 18.7. 2004
type: public

design team: Aljoša Dekleva, Tina Gregorič, Flavio Coddou;

curators: Aljoša Dekleva, Tina Gregorič;